Graduated with a BSc Specialization in Computing Science from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, AB, Canada, in spring 2022.
Graduated with a BSc Specialization in Computing Science from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, AB, Canada, in spring 2022.
I currently live in Edmonton and I welcome any opportunity to relocate or to work remotely, should you be interested in hiring me.
I am self-motivated and dynamic. I'm never afraid to learn what can help me accomplish my tasks. I strive to expand my skillset at every opportunity to bring to clients the boons of data analytics.
During my time as a research assistant in Dr. Levi Lelis' research lab, I was able to hone analytical, technical and interpersonal skills crucial to any aspiring data analyst.
SQL Server • Excel • Power BI
Cleaned, queried and visualized data on CO2 and GHG emissions by every country in the past 300 years.
Data Source: Our World In Data.
Github: co2-emission-T-SQL
SQL Server • Excel • Power BI
Cleaned and queried a fictional bike sales dataset. Built a dashboard using Power BI.
Data Source: Kaggle Datasets
Github: bikesales-Queries
SQL Server • Excel • Power BI
Queried and visualized a fun dataset on players' defeats to Elden Ring's boss, Malenia.
Data Source: Kaggle Datasets
Github: malenia-DB-T-SQL
Excel • Tableau
Built a Tableau Viz (i.e Dashboard) using a dataset about the top tracks on Spotify from 2010-2019.
Data Source: Kaggle Datasets
Tableau Public: Spotify Viz
Excel • Tableau
Created a Tableau Viz (i.e Dashboard) from a yearly car sales dataset obtained from Kaggle.
Data Source: Kaggle Datasets
Tableau Public: Car Sales Viz
Excel • Tableau
Created a Tableau Viz (i.e Dashboard) to visualize the latest data on the COVID 19 pandemic.
Data Source: Kaggle Datasets
Tableau Public: COVID 19 Viz
Python • Selenium • nltk • bs4
Scraped data about Data Analyst jobs in Alberta, Canada from Indeed.
Github: indeed-webscraping
SQL Server • Excel • Power BI
Cleaned and queried a dataset about video game sales. Built a dashboard using Power BI.
Data Source: Kaggle Datasets
Github: video-game-sales