Bike Sales Data Analysis

Bike Sales Project

Image: Bike Sales Dashboard, created using Power BI

Technologies used: SQL Server (T-SQL), Excel, Power BI
Dashboard File: bike_sales_dashboard.pbix
Dataset: BikeSales-DB.xlsx
T-SQL Queries: Bike_Sales_Queries_1.sql
Github: bikesales-Queries

Biking is a fun activity. It is also enormously enjoyed as a means of commuting in countries such as the Netherlands. The associated equipment can be grouped into roughly three categories: accessories, clothing and obviously, bikes. Which category drives sales for biking equipment? How do equipment sales fluctuate within a year? How do sales vary by country?

In this project, I analyse a fictional dataset (source: Kaggle Datasets) about bike sales. The dataset is comprised of information such as order details, product names, revenue, profit and customers' age and gender. After cleaning the data in Microsoft Excel and examining it using T-SQL queries, I created a dashboard (see above) in Microsoft Power BI to visualize and summarize its important aspects, such as the sum of profit, sum of revenue, the revenue by country and the like.

Some queries...

See the full list of queries here.

Finding the net revenue by product category.


SELECT Product_Category, SUM(Profit) AS [Net Revenue]
FROM BikeSalesDB..bike_sales
GROUP BY Product_Category

Product Category Net Revenue (USD)
Clothing 2839319
Bikes 20399726
Accessories 8807194

• Bikes seem to be the biggest source of revenue. 🤔

For each country, find the percentage of units sold for each category.


WITH sum_units_sold_coun_cat AS (
	SELECT Country, SUM(Order_Quantity) AS Total_Sold
	FROM BikeSalesDB..bike_sales
	GROUP BY Country
SELECT bsales.Country, bsales.Product_Category, 
		ROUND(SUM(bsales.Order_Quantity) / coun_cat.Total_Sold, 5) AS [Perc of Units Sold]
FROM BikeSalesDB..bike_sales bsales INNER JOIN 
		sum_units_sold_coun_cat coun_cat
		ON bsales.Country = coun_cat.Country
GROUP BY bsales.Country, bsales.Product_Category, coun_cat.Total_Sold

Country Product Category Perc of Units Sold (%)
Australia Accessories 0.76857
Australia Bikes 0.03871
Australia Clothing 0.19273
Canada Accessories 0.79823
Canada Bikes 0.01175
Canada Clothing 0.19002
France Accessories 0.7845
France Bikes 0.02977
France Clothing 0.18573
Germany Accessories 0.78332
Germany Bikes 0.0334
Germany Clothing 0.18328
United Kingdom Accessories 0.77653
United Kingdom Bikes 0.03074
United Kingdom Clothing 0.19273
United States Accessories 0.78332
United States Bikes 0.02341
United States Clothing 0.19328

• Items from the "Accessories" category are the most sold items in every country - as expected. 🤷
• Bikes constitue less than 10% of sales in every country.

Finding the top 3 products in terms of revenue for each age group.


WITH product_rev_by_age AS (
	SELECT Age_Group, Product, SUM(Revenue) AS Revenue
	FROM BikeSalesDB..bike_sales
	GROUP BY Age_Group, Product
top_three_prod AS (
	SELECT Age_Group, Product, Revenue,
			RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Age_Group ORDER BY Revenue DESC) Rev_Rank
	FROM product_rev_by_age
SELECT Age_Group AS [Age Group],
		Rev_Rank AS [Revenue Rank],
FROM top_three_prod
WHERE Rev_Rank < 4

Age Group Product Revenue Rank Revenue (USD)
Adults (35-64) Road-150 Red, 52 1 1707275
Adults (35-64) Mountain-200 Silver, 42 2 1596139
Adults (35-64) Mountain-200 Black, 42 3 1579925
Seniors (64+) Mountain-100 Black, 48 1 19845
Seniors (64+) Sport-100 Helmet, Blue 2 18501
Seniors (64+) Sport-100 Helmet, Black 3 14456
Young Adults (25-34) Road-150 Red, 62 1 1859098
Young Adults (25-34) Mountain-200 Black, 38 2 1687197
Young Adults (25-34) Road-150 Red, 56 3 1249804
Youth (<25) Road-150 Red, 62 1 602455
Youth (<25) Mountain-200 Silver, 42 2 583389
Youth (<25) Road-150 Red, 48 3 562870

• The Road-150 Red is present in the top 3 for all age groups, except for "Seniors (64+)".


Sadiq Shah. 2020. Bike Sales in Europe, Version 1. [Online Resource]